المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : استخدام .. ~~ over ~~ .. في عدة كلمات وبمعان مختلفة

حزم الظامي
23 -09- 2008, 02:28 AM
في هذه الأمثلة تأتي .. over كــ بادئة ( prefix ) في الاسم أو الفعل أو الصفة

لتكون معنى مختلف في كلا منها :


overcome = يتغلب على

He overcame the fear of flying

overc o o k e d = مستوي

The Italian restaurant serve an over c o o k e d vegetables

overcrowded = مزدحم

The shopping centers get overcrowded before the Christmas

overdo = يفرط في الاستخدام

Don't overdo salt in the food

overdue = فات أوانه - متأخر

Her baby is two weeks overdue

overestimate =يقدر بشكل مغالا فيه

I overestimated the amount of milk we would need in the weekend

overhear = يسترق السمع

I overheard them quarrelling

overlap = يتعارض

The two conferences overlap by one day

overlook = يتغاضى عن

We can't afford to overlook such serious offences

overnight = ليلاً

I travelled overnight because it was cheaper

overreact = يبالغ في ردة الفعل

She tends to overreact when things go wrong

overseas = ماوراء البحار

overseas trade

oversleep = يستغرق في النوم

I overslept and was late for work

overthrow = ينحي شخص من منصبه

The rebels tried to overthrow the government

overtime = وقت أضافي

I work 2 hours overtime daily

overweight = يعاني من وزن زائد

According to my doctor iam 8 kilos overweight

For the prefix .. over there are many words ..which expressed different meanings

Just add any of them with examples ..

رسام الحروف
14 -10- 2008, 04:07 PM
thank u alot

ماجد الحدادي
30 -10- 2008, 09:36 PM
Thank you
