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: ..! ..!

  1. #1

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    Ok Yahya, let's share some specific points here about something that I think is so important


    When we travel there to their foreign countries, they give us everything ,so we gain from their language, knowledge, Experiences and even their life style

    Some may give us pure love , real friendship and also very good memories.

    How about us Yahya?

    what we gave them in return?!!
    I mean what we left there to be proud of ourselves when we return home

    Yes, I mean they really not in need for anything

    Cause everything is there with the exception of

    " ISLAM",

    Now, we know exactly Yahya, lots of them - If Allah do want- will die and directly to the HELL as Holy Quran mentioned
    and just some phrases can help Yahya, like
    " There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger

    BUT what Anfas wants to share and discuss here is not all of that, brother

    Just let's share some ideas about how to introduce our help

    ? How to show them the mercy of Allah through Islam

    How to earn them not only as friends but also as brothers and sisters in Islam?

    How to produce our Religion there very easily

    Anfas wants some ideasjust ideas.

    Start please brother, Yahya

    Its good to talk about this subject as a very imoprtant duty ..

    Before i start answering your quesition , i want to tell you that i am living in Malaysia and the main religion there is islam ..

    They practice Islam more than us ..!
    their belief is so strong , they love islam so much but there are many bad habits such as " doing some customs after they pray "

    On the other hand , there are many races living in Malaysia as well such as Buddha and Hindu .. but they know about Islam as they grow up among muslim society

    Once i asked an indian teacher about Islam , she said her cousin is muslim and she mentioned that in Malysia the majority know about islam everything but up to them if they want to follow or not

    by the way , she became a muslim after getting married to a muslim guy ..



  2. #2

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!

    They practice Islam more than us ..!
    their belief is so strong , they love islam so much

    You know ?! You really made me very sorry about my self, my Islam and even my country
    Oh Allah, forgive us
    but there are many bad habits such as " doing some customs after they pray
    It's nothing , Allah promised that He will forgive all the sins when they believe that there is no God but Allah
    On the other hand , there are many races living in Malaysia as well such as Buddha and Hindu .. but they know about Islam as they grow up among muslim society
    ^_^I see ,you mean they are no in need for Yahya as the only Muslim person there

    Once i asked an indian teacher about Islam , she said her cousin is muslim and she mentioned that in Malysia the majority know about islam everything but up to them if they want to follow or not
    by the way , she became a muslim after getting married to a muslim guy

    Then brother, cancel the idea and bach to             ite in your own world

    I may come back later with something deffrent

  3. #3

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    thanks miss Anfas ..

    you are a teacher ,aren't you?

    how you can advise your students and make them follow your advice ?

    my sister told that the environment of the school doesn't help the teachers to guide the students to the right way?



  4. #4

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!

    ٻﮱ ﯡڕ

    thanks miss Anfas ..
    how you can advise your students and make them follow your advice ?

    my sister told that the environment of the school doesn't help the teachers to guide the students to the right way?
    .......Is it a
    ?a - question
    ?b- new idea for discussion
    Excuse me brother
    May be not clear
    I mean If it is a question so your sister wants my real expreince in my real job as ateacher

    If it is an idea so there are many points that we can discuss together and give some solutions right here to get benefit

  5. #5

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    .......Is it a
    ?a - question
    ?b- new idea for discussion
    Excuse me brother
    May be not clear
    I mean If it is a question so your sister wants my real expreince in my real job as ateacher

    If it is an idea so there are many points that we can discuss together and give some solutions right here to get benefit

    Its just a question to open a new topic to discuss someting which may benefit us ..
    I think the teachers play a significant role to teach the student how to face the revolution of the technology in this era ..

    As teachers what did they teach their students about the dangerous of the electronic devices ?!



  6. #6

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!


  7. #7

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!

    how you can advise your students and make them follow your advice ?
    I 'll tell you about my self and my students only
    Cause I never advise any of my students
    I just follow two steps

    I make the students love me or at least some of them to do so
    then , I try to show them the best of my self
    THAT 'S ALL , brother
    Sometimes I hate to do something, but I try for my students

    my sister told that the environment of the school doesn't help the teachers to guide the students to the right way?
    ? Sometimes, I ask my self: "what is the "right way
    what do we want the student to do
    sometimes I stop at a specific point
    I find that there is nothing completely right and there is nothing completely             ong
    I ask my self then, what shall I tell the student do this or that or avoid to do
    It's really big problem , brother

    ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    Its just a question to open a new topic to discuss someting which may benefit us ..
    ٻﮱ ﯡڕ

    I think the teachers play a significant role to teach the student how to face the revolution of the technology in this era ..

    As teachers what did they teach their students about the dangerous of the electronic devices ?!

    FOR this new question

    !!! Just let's watch carefully & think about the scene here

    I'll come back

  8. #8

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    I 'll tell you about my self and my students only
    Cause I never advise any of my students
    I just follow two steps

    I make the students love me or at least some of them to do so
    then , I try to show them the best of my self
    THAT 'S ALL , brother
    Sometimes I hate to do something, but I try for my students

    ? Sometimes, I ask my self: "what is the "right way
    what do we want the student to do
    sometimes I stop at a specific point
    I find that there is nothing completely right and there is nothing completely             ong
    I ask my self then, what shall I tell the student do this or that or avoid to do
    It's really big problem , brother

    FOR this new question

    !!! Just let's watch carefully & think about the scene here

    I'll come back

    If you want to convey a message or advice , you have to show people your good behaviours and manners before giving the speech !! ..
    We will not believe and mimic the teacher if his manner doesn't match his given speech ..

    On the other hand , the above video is indicated the bad work of the cleaners in the street .. i saw this video before but i did not have any comment


  9. #9

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!


    you want to convey a message or advice , you have to show people your good behaviours and manners before giving the speech !! ..

    We will not believe and mimic the teacher if his manner doesn't match his given speech ..
    That's right , Yahya

    and if the student gets home and finds his mom and dad just like the teacher , -beleive me brother
    he/she will be very good even he's gone to the street later, to show different manners or behaviours He/She will be okay

    On the other hand , the above video is indicated the bad work of the cleaners in the street .. i saw this video before but i did not have any comment
    This vedio belongs to AL Bahry .... and he gave some message to his people around

    but itis not the same message that Anfas wants from this vedio even there seems some similarity

    THREE things are clear here in this scene to explain our problem in your question ,Yahya

    First of all , I want all teachers to forgive me cause I realy don't want to compare someone with another

    I just want to give a nother deffrent message here, brother

    If we just imagine that..

    these cleaners are the teachers themselves
    so I can not say that all the cleaners are the same, I mean un honest

    the people inside the houses are the student's family and only Allah knows if they are honest or not

    and this litter around is the revolution of the technology in this era

    Brother Yahya

    The cleners and the families both should be very honest to be able to controle the litter
    and then, students will be okay,too
    my message here is
    No body can help you if you don't want to help yourself

  10. #10

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    you mean we have to teach ourselves before teaching others ..
    ..you are right .. the one who cares about the environment around him, he will respect himself and the neighborhood as well
    we have to be responsible of everything around us , even it doesn't belong to us


  11. #11

  12. #12

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!




  13. #13

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    If your present makes you sad , maybe your future will make you happy ..

    just believe in your God the one who had made the whole time can change everything !!


  14. #14

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!

    ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    If your present makes you sad , maybe your future will make you happy ..

    just believe in your God the one who had made the whole time can change everything !!
    few letters and more free knowledge
    Go ahead , brother
    may Allah bless you

  15. #15

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    few letters and more free knowledge
    Go ahead , brother
    may Allah bless you
    thanks sister for your prayer


  16. #16

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    I miss you man !!

    I miss our previous days together !!
    even you made me angry but i still miss you !!

    your speech always made me confident!!
    your smile also made me proud !!
    i am not joking !!
    you are too precious in my life


  17. #17

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    we can go with someone we love to anywhere without hesitation because we know that the love makes every minute we spend with them please


  18. #18

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    I cann't bring the past back !!
    If you come back again to my present i would not stand your behaviours anymore !!
    Even i miss you a lot !!
    Even i remember you always
    But i am still afraid of you because of nothing !
    just because of you !!


  19. #19

    02 2011

    : ..! ..!

    Mohammed is mercy dedicated to us
    Let's repeat

    "peace be upon him"
    "peace be upon him"
    "peace be upon him"

    when Allah hear it from us, He
    give His permission for Mohammed to
    reply us peace

  20. #20

      ٻﮱ ﯡڕ
    11 2008

    : ..! ..!

    Feel your speech before releasing it !!

    your tongue is not enough to use it alone !!
