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  1. #1
    ÛíÑ ãÊÕá

    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ ÔãæÚ áÇÊäØÝìÁ
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    01 2009

    U19 ÍÕä ÇáãÓáã ÈÇáÅäÌáíÒíå

    ÇáÍóãúÜÏõ áöáøåö ÇáøÐí ÃóÍúÜíÇäÇ ÈóÚúÜÏó ãÇ ÃóãÇÊóÜäÇ æóÅáíå ÇáäøõÜÔæÑ.
    Alhamdu lillahil-lathee ahyana baAAda ma amatana wa-ilayhin-nushoor.

    ‘All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is the resurrection.’

    The Prophet  said : ‘Whoever awakes at night and then says:
    áÇ Åáåó ÅáÇø Çááøåõ æóÍúÜÏóåõ áÇ ÔóÜÑíßó áå¡ áåõ ÇáãõáÜßõ æáåõ ÇáÍóãÜÏ¡ æåæó Úáì ßáø ÔíÁò ÞÏíÑ¡ ÓõÜÈúÍÇäó Çááåö¡ æÇáÍãúÜÏõ ááå ¡ æáÇ Åáåó ÅáÇø Çááåõ æÇááåõ ÃßÈóÑ¡ æóáÇ Íóæáó æóáÇ ÞæøÉ ÅáÇø ÈÇááøåö ÇáÚáíø ÇáÚÙíã.

    La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa AAala kulli shay-in qadeer, subhanal-lah, walhamdu lillah, wala ilaha illal-lah wallahu akbar, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil-AAaliyyil AAatheem.

    ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone without associate, to Him belongs sovereignty and praise and He is over all things wholly capable. How perfect Allah is, and all praise is for Allah, and none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Allah is the greatest and there is no power nor might except with Allah, The Most High, The Supreme.

    …and then supplicates:

    ÑóÈøö ÇÛúÝÑú áí.
    Rabbigh-fir lee
    ‘O my Lord forgive me.’

    …will be forgiven’

    Al-Waleed said, “or he  said:
    ‘and then asks, he will be answered.If he then performs ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted’.”

    ÇáÍãÏõ ááåö ÇáÐí ÚÇÝÇäí Ýí ÌóÓóÏí æóÑóÏø Úóáíø ÑæÍí æóÃóÐöäó áí ÈöÐößúÑöå .

    Alhamdu lillahil-lathee AAafanee fee jasadee waradda AAalayya roohee wa-athina lee bithikrih.

    ‘All praise is for Allah who restored to me my health and returned my soul and has allowed me to remember Him.’

     Åöäø Ýöí ÎóáúÞö ÇáÓøãóæó ÇÊö æóÇáÃÑúÖö æÇÎúÊöÜáÇÝö Çááøíáö æÇáäøåÇÑö áÂíÇÊò áÃõæáí ÇáÃáÈÇÈ …
    ( Âá ÚãÑÇä 190-200)

    Inna fee khalqi alssamawati waal-ardi wa-ikhtilafi allayli wa-alnnahari la-ayatin li-olee al-albab…
    (From Verse 3:190 till the end of the chapter Ali AAimran)

    2. Supplication when wearing a garment


    ÇáÍãÏõ ááåö ÇáøÐí ßóÓÇäí åÐÇ (ÇáËøæÈ) æóÑóÒóÞóäíå ãöäú ÛóÜíÜúÑö Íóæáò ãöäøí æóáÇ ÞÜæøÉ .

    Alhamdu lillahil-lathee kasanee hatha (aththawb) warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah.

    ‘All Praise is for Allah who has clothed me with this garment and provided it for me, with no power nor might from myself.’

    3. Supplication said when wearing a new garment

    ÇááøåõÜãøó áóÜßó ÇáÍóÜãúÜÏõ ÃäúÜÊó ßóÓóÜæúÊóäíåö¡ ÃóóÓúÃóóáõÜßó ãöÜäú ÎóÜíÑöåö æóÎóÜíúÑö ãóÇ ÕõäöÚó áóÜå¡ æóÃóÚæÐõ Èößó ãöÜäú ÔóÜÑøöåö æóÔóÜÑøö ãÜÇ ÕõäöÚó áóÜåõ.

    Allahumma lakal-hamdu anta kasawtaneeh, as-aluka min khayrihi wakhayri ma suniAAa lah, wa-aAAoothu bika min sharrihi washarri ma suniAAa lah.

    ‘O Allah, for You is all praise, You have clothed me with it (i.e. the garment), I ask You for the good of it and the good for which it was made, and I seek refuge with You from the evil of it and the evil for which it was made.’

    4. Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment

    ÊõÈúÜáí æóíõÜÎúáöÝõ Çááåõ ÊóÚóÇáì .

    Tublee wayukhliful-lahu taAAala.
    ‘May you wear it out and Allah ÊÚÇáì replace it (with another).’ The intended meaning: A supplication for long life. “

    ÇöáÈóÜÓ ÌóÏíÜÏÇð æóÚöÜÔú ÍóãÜíÏÇð æóãõÜÊú ÔåíÏÇð

    Ilbas jadeedan waAAish hameedan wamut shaheedan.
    ‘Wear anew, live commendably and die a shaheed.’

    shaheed:One who dies fighting the kuffar in order to make the word of Allah superior or in defense of Islam. It also has other meanings found in the Sunnah such as: the one who dies defending his life, wealth or family; the woman who passes away due to childbirth; one who drowns…etc.

    5. Before undressing

    ÈöÓúãö Çááå .

    ‘In the name of Allah.’

    6. Before entering the toilet

    (ÈöÓúãö Çááå ) ÇááøåõÜãøó ÅöäøöÜí ÃóÚÜæÐõ ÈöÜßó ãöÜäó ÇáúÎõÜÈúËö æóÇáúÎóÈÇÆöË .
    (Bismil-lah) allahumma innee aAAoothu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba-ith

    ‘(In the name of Allah). O Allah, I take refuge with you from all evil and evil-doers.’

    7. After leaving the toilet

    ÛõÝúÜÑÇäóß .

    ‘I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness.’

    8. When starting ablution

    ÈöÓúãö Çááå .
    ‘In the name of Allah.’

    9. Upon completing the ablution

    ÃóÔúåóÏõ Ãóäú áÇ ÅöáóÜåó ÅöáÇø Çááåõ æóÍúÏóåõ áÇ ÔóÑíÜßó áóÜåõ æóÃóÔúåóÏõ Ãóäøó ãõÍóãøÜÏÇð ÚóÈúÜÏõåõ æóÑóÓÜæáõÜå.

    Ashhadu an la ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la shareeka lah, wa-ashhadu anna Muhammadan AAabduhu warasooluh.

    ‘I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.’

    (14 )
    ÇááøåõÜãøó ÇÌúÚóáäÜí ãöäó ÇáÊøóÜæøÇÈíäó æóÇÌúÚóÜáúäí ãöäó ÇáãÊóØóåøÜÑíä.

    Allahummaj-AAalnee minat-tawwabeena wajAAalnee minal-mutatahhireen.

    ‘O Allah, make me of those who return to You often in repentance and make me of those who remain clean and pure.’

    (15 )
    ÓõÈúÍÜÇäóßó ÇááøåõÜãøó æóÈöÍóãÏöß ÃóÔúåóÜÏõ Ãóäú áÇ Åöáåó ÅöáÇø ÃóäúÊó ÃóÓúÊóÛúÝöÑõßó æóÃóÊæÈõ ÅöáóÜíúß .

    Subhanakal-lahumma wabihamdika ashhadu an la ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa-atoobu ilayk.

    ‘How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You, I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You, I seek Your forgiveness and turn in repentance to You.’

    10. When leaving the home

    ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ¡ ÊóæóßøóáúÜÊõ Úóáì Çááåö æóáÇ Íóæúáó æóáÇ ÞõÜæøóÉó ÅöáÇø ÈöÇááå .

    Bismil-lah, tawakkaltu AAalal-lah, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah.

    ‘In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah

  2. #2
    ÛíÑ ãÊÕá

    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ ÍÒã ÇáÙÇãí
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    08 2008
    ÕÇãØå ÞÑíÉ ÇáÚßÑÉ

    ÑÏ: ÍÕä ÇáãÓáã ÈÇáÅäÌáíÒíå

    ÔÜßÜÜ æÈÇÑß Çááå Ýíß ÜÜÜÑÇ áß ... áß ãäí ÃÌãá ÊÍíÉ .


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